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MEMP SPOG Pilot Update
MEMP 2021 Activity
Starting in June the remainder of 2021 will see an increase in activity for the Methane Emission Management Pilot (MEMP) within the SPOG area. Actions will be split into two components:
Activity related to the AER approved Alt-FEMP of participating SPOG members
Continued activity in the area to assist in technology development for methane detection and quantification
The approved Alt-FEMP activities will consist of two rounds of methane screening detection (June & October) with each screening to be followed up with ground based OGI site surveys. It should be noted that each of the screening campaigns are using a different technology. The June screening will be aerial and the October screening will be conducted utilizing a truck based technology driving public and lease roads in the area.
The ground based surveys will follow the screening events by approximately two weeks and are expected to take 2 weeks to complete. The site specific surveys utilize a handheld camera technology to scan sites for emissions that are then classified, repaired and reported to the program and AER.
Technology Development
There will be additional activity to enhance technology development in the methane detection and quantification throughout the area as projects are proposed and accepted.